I feel like I am all over the place and can't help myself. What gives? But I refuse to not speak my mind. So, how does one find some continuity with your artwork. When I was at Art Center, I brought a self portrait in and the instructor loved it and said, "do about 10 of these". Then a curator of a well know museum saw my "dot" paintings, thought they were great and said, "do about 10 of these". Is that a magic number for a body of work. Is it the kiss of death to explore outside what an artist is known for. Notice I did not post one "beach" painting. What I am mainly known for it seems. Little by little I am exposing myself through teaching. I display that I can draw, I understand how to paint form, I understand color theory and I admit that I don't have a strong apptitude (my word for talent) for design. That, I work on constantly. But back to my point. I am much more than my beach paintings and I want to make a living with work other than that. So far so good but could be better. It was the same thing when I was an illustrator. You had to have a "marketable style". But I find that galleries really want work an artist is known for. And what do you do if the next body is completely different from what one was producing during mid-career? Just thinking out loud.
8" x 10"
Oh, did I mention I work in ceramics too!
My ceramic holders with my fashion figures.
A large still life in oil painted from life on a sweltering day in our backyard.
16" x 20"
We'll sit for each other and do 20 minute portraits. So fun!
9" x 12"
How about this for a departure.
8" x 10"
I love to get comfortable and draw from a Vogue or other sources.
8" x 10"
I thought I'd try acrylics. Love them and playing with composition.
"Turquoise Vase"
11" x 14"
I've worked in gouache forever. This was playing around.
8" x 10"
"Black and White"
8" x 6"
Just leaving it as a drawing!
9" x 12"
Back to my fashion roots.
6" x 8"
Of course I work in watercolor too!
Looser gouache demo.
Painted on location in San Diego.
8" x 8"
Last but not least.
Having fun with simple shapes, flat color.